1.  This remarkable video shows a competitive sport, called "precision walking:"  https://youtu.be/6o0lzaJ2Xrg

2. Music lovers will enjoy this amazing video:   https://youtu.be/C_CDLBTJD4M

3.  Dancing often brings laughter and expresses joy…. Check this out:  http://gawker.com/5990002/nerdy-mountain-man-boss-schools-young-employees-with-boss-dance-moves

4.  This humorous video shows a man putting his pants on without using his hands! https://youtu.be/ZwfLgXJpQd0

5.  This is called a "trust windmill"— a very cool video of sequential "trust falls."  https://youtu.be/4vMj8_v93jk

6.  Here is a great saying that dancers and musicians will readily understand:  "You know you are a dancer (or musician) when you think of "and" as a number."

7. Check out this cute video of dancers following the choreographic lead of a baby…(such a clever concept!)  https://youtu.be/ZfeFC-SiTIM

8. New dance move? https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/europe/100000004671426/how-to-build-a-human-tower.html

9. This is uplifting: https://youtu.be/t5AyGvJcyoU

10. During the pandemic, in the early weeks when people were adjusting to being stuck indoors to avoid contagion, some videos went viral that had parodies about what life was like at that time. I like this one the best… Scroll down to watch the family sing their parody together.  https://www.kentonline.co.uk/faversham/news/familys-viral-les-mis-lockdown-success-224818  
This next one is great, too:  https://youtu.be/SrxJkVebwDI

11. This is a dance rendition of the Dirty Dancing famous Mambo scene. But it’s a guy dancing with a lamp for a partner. Don’t dismiss this—the concept may seem odd but it’s one of the most clever and creative adaptations you’ll ever see! https://youtu.be/iyBkmHcvdkE

12. Music speaks to us throughout our life-spans. Your heart will melt as you watch this baby respond to a Karen Carpenter song.  https://youtu.be/bEeizaWjdXw

13. Here is an interesting idea for how someone can dance in partnership while also socially distancing. This came out early in the pandemic. https://twitter.com/biancajoanie/status/1277575769036857345

14. Check out these animated robots dancing. I think it’s hilarious: https://youtu.be/fn3KWM1kuAw

15. Advice for safety in the event of fire: https://youtu.be/sxkwEqeu3Y8

16. This is called “Armology:” youtu.be/oJ6mC4DsOM4 and youtu.be/4GK3Vz-QS40
