Instructional Video on "Basic L. A. Style Salsa." This covers Basic, Side Rocks, Right Turn, Multiple Turns, and Cross Body Lead.
There are several styles of Salsa. This page has youtube links that show Barb teaching basic steps for one on one Salsa ("L.A." Style Salsa). The underlying rhythm of Salsa is to step on 3 out of every 4 beats in the music. This is often referred to as a "quick quick slow" rhythm. A "quick" is a step held for one beat and a "slow" is a step held for two beats. Further down the page there are videos of Rueda de Casino dance moves.
Note that there are literally hundreds and hundreds of dance moves, so this page just has a sampling. Readers interested in more detail can find hundreds of additional moves with videos in my book, “Salsa Dancing & Rueda de Casino Guidebook for Beginner to Advanced Dancers: Steps, Styling, Technique, Latin Rhythms, Humor & Anecdotes.” This book has information on both Casino steps and L.A. Salsa steps. For ordering details, visit or
The remainder of this page has demonstrations and explanations of Rueda de Casino moves. These are Casino moves done in a circle formation. A common nickname for this dance is “Cuban Salsa” although the technically correct name for the dance is Casino.
This is Instructional Rueda de Casino video Part 1. It explains Basic, Dame, Fly, Besitos, and Enchufla.
This is Instructional Rueda de Casino video Part 2. It explains Enchufla Doble, Enchufla con Mambo, Festival de Enchufla, Pelota Con Dos, Pelota Con Quatro, Foto, Adios, and Uno.
This is Instructional Rueda de Casino video Part 3. It covers Pa Ti Pa Mi, Adios con Hermana, Kentucky, Adios Arriba, Enchufla Arriba, Pelota Loca, Enchufla con Exhibe, and Candado.
This is Instructional Rueda de Casino video Part 4. It covers Uno y Dos, Sombrero, Vacila, Beso, Balsero, Balsero y Beso, Dedo, Montana, Dedo Extended, Siete, Siete con Coca Cola, Siete Moderno, Abanico, Setenta, and Sombrero de Manny.
The two videos below show an array of basic and intermediate moves done in a circle.
The steps performed in order are: Uno, Pa ti pa mi, Dame/Dame Dos, Besitos, Kentucky, Dame, Adios con la Hermana, Dame, Dedo Extended (Dedo directly into Montana), Dame, Setenta, Puente, Dame, Candado.
The steps in order are: Uno y Dos, Vacila with a shine (i.e. footwork). Then the couples move into a circle and do Dame, Enchufla doble arriba, Sombrero, Besito (an "air kiss), Chevaria (3 twists), Puente (the "bridge" move), Balsero, Pa ti pa mi, Kentucky, Pelota con dos, Adios con la Hermana, Dame, Dame dos, Dame arriba (going back to the previous partner), Photo, Beso, Setenta, Enchufla con mambo, Dedo, Adios, and Candado.
Additional selected videos of Rueda de Casino Step Blends:
Puente Complicado blended with Puente al Revers
Rubenada, Sordo, Carnival, & Carnival Unisex
USEFUL PLAYLISTS: This is a series of "walk-throughs" of advanced Casino moves.
More L.A. Style Video Information
Salsa Lesson, part 1
Salsa Lesson, part 2
Salsa Lesson, part 3
Merengue instruction. This is a Latin Club Dance where the underlying rhythm is to step on every beat. So the rhythm would be referred to as "quick quick quick quick." This video also covers "Cuban Motion" which is the hip sway seen in all Latin dances.
This short video was part of a lesson provided to Bolling Military Base for a Hispanic Heritage program. This shows an explanation of how to do the basic step, and the principle of frame which makes leading and following possible.
Here are YouTube links for the key instructional videos above: L. A. Style Salsa Basics Introduction to basic Merengue, Salsa, and Bachata Rueda de Casino (“Cuban Salsa”) Moves Part 1 Rueda de Casino (“Cuban Salsa”) Moves Part 2 Rueda de Casino (“Cuban Salsa”) Moves Part 3 The need for “frame” for leading and following
DIT Playlists: Playlist A: Favorite Performances Playlist B: More Performances Playlist 4: Instruction on Individual Moves
Sarita Streng and Eric Johnson’s Documentary: This is a fabulous Cuban documentary produced by my colleagues Eric & Sarita about the role of Rueda de Casino dancing in Cuban culture. Don’t miss it!!