This pages is devoted to information on Congresses and Competitions which heavily feature Casino Rueda
Here are web addresses for annual such events.
Ramses Padilla Alvarez & his wife Debbie, who are great people, sponsor Cuba Baila in Vancouver, Canada. It's a great & well-run event! (In 2005, Barb Bernstein, originator of this website, was one of the judges at the event's competition, and one of the teacers in their "Mega-class" which was a very original concept!) The next event is April 19-20, 2008. To register, or for more info, contact: 778-688-9686 or The accommodations are at the Holiday Inn Downtown Vancouver. Tel:604-684-2151. See for details on this unique event!
DanceInTime performing the "Charlie's Angels" dance routine at the 07 Miami Salsa Congress.
You go girls! This is the all women's team that won the Rueda competition at the Rueda Congress in Miami, 11/05
The Miami Rueda Congress held every November is sponsored Henry Herrera of SalsaRacing and Billy Fajardo of Dancesation. Many of the Miami giants were there (including Rene Gueits of Salsa Lovers and others)----teaching, performing, etc. It was great to see the groups from different cities around the world dance together, intermingling in Rueda circles.
Click here to read an article about this unique Congress, including a description of the competitions, the workshops and the overall experience from the point of view of a Rueda instructor and one of the competition's judges in 2004 and 2005, Barb Bernstein.
DanceInTime performing the "Charlie's Angels" dance routine at the 07 Miami Salsa Congress
Note that Henry Herrera, who sponsors this event, is one of the "giants" in the field of Rueda, teaching countless students from all over the world and producing videos that students everywhere learn from!
This shows one part of the ballroom where the world's largest rueda took place. This view got as much of the circle as possible in one camera shot! The room was huge and there were hundreds of dancers
The Miami Salsa Congress is another annual event with lots of Salsa and Casino Style instruction. This is sponsored by Rene Gueits of Salsa Lovers Studio. It's generally around the same time each year. In 2005 the event was August 18-21. All the details are available at this site:
There are many great workshops and dynamite performances at the event. In 2005, they broke the World Record for the Largest Rueda Circle which was a kick! (See photos on this page.) Rene brings in good teachers and performers, and this Congress is well worth attending. To read an article about the 2005 Congress, click here