Danceintime Director, Barbara Bernstein has run weekly classes in Latin dancing for over twenty years. The classes are known for being friendly and welcoming to newcomers. They are run by a team of dedicated instructors who share their expertise, skill, and joy in dancing with the students! Instruction is slow and patient with beginners. Experienced dancers are moved along at a good clip so they learn a lot in each class.
It’s loads of fun; check us out! No partner is needed.
Additional programs and classes can be arranged online or “in person.”
And if you’re looking for a good dance reference book, Barb’s Salsa & Rueda de Casino Guidebook for Beginner to Advanced Dancers is available on Amazon.
Are you planning a private party, a school or workplace activity, or a celebration for Women’s History or Hispanic Heritage Month?
You can let Danceintime lead the show!
Danceintime has produced Latin dance programs for the Kennedy Center, the Capital One Arena, and the DC Convention Center, performed at special events in Miami, New York, San Juan (Puerto Rico), San Francisco, and provided entertainment for local parties and festivals. Programs are available in multiple formats—“in person,” live online, and by pre-recorded video. Always flexible, Danceintime is happy to help!
Performances | Hispanic Heritage Month | Women's History Month
Research confirms that dancing has tremendous physical and mental health benefits.
Read about how music and movement improve well-being here.
Then come out and join the fun!